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Registration Prices and Information

CALCON13 Registration Prices

CALCON Cancellation Policy:

Substitutions, made in writing, are welcome at any time.


Requests for conference registration cancellations must be made in writing and submitted to Amanda Rewerts at, fax (303-458-0002) or mailed (CAL, 3030 W. 81st Ave, Westminster, CO 80031)  by Sept. 15th, 2013.


Conference cancellation requests received on or before Sept. 15, 2013 will result in a full refund less a $50 processing fee. No phone cancellations will be accepted. There will be absolutely no refunds for cancellations submitted after Sept. 15, 2013. Refunds will be processed after the conference.

Special Accommodations: The Colorado Association of Libraries has a limited budget for special accommodation requests for this event. The budget will be distributed equally among all persons requesting special assistance. Requests must be made in writing to by August 31, 2013 and confirmed as received for consideration.

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